
AK Design are an ISO 9001 certified company. ISO 9001 demonstrates our commitment to achieving quality and to continually striving for improvements. To achieve maintain this accreditation, we continually improve and look for smarter working practices, improved communication and management systems.
AK Design are an ISO 14001 certified company. ISO 14001 sets the standard for Environmental Management systems and demonstrates our commitment to protecting the environment. We are an environmentally conscious company and strive to minimise our environmental impact across our business operations.
AK Design are an ISO 45001 certified company. ISO 45001 sets the standard for Health & Safety systems and demonstrates our commitment to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all employees working for the company and other persons who may be affected by our undertakings.

AK Design are accredited by the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) as a Chartered Building Company. Tom Colliss has achieved personal accreditation and membership of MCIOB, which underlines our commitment to delivering the highest standards of quality and professionalism, not only to our clients, but also our employees. The CIOB is a worldwide professional body that represents Construction and Property professionals. As a Chartered Building Company, we are committed to maintain these standards and encourage all staff to achieve individual membership.
AK Design have achieved the Silver level of membership with Constructionline which includes reaching the requirements of Acclaim. This level of membership is based upon achieving standards set across many areas of operation including Health and Safety, equality, and diversity in addition to financial stability.
AK Design has demonstrated compliance with the CHAS standards in line with SSIP Core Criteria and UK H&S Legislation and has been awarded accreditation to the requirements of the CDM Regulations 2015.
AK Design is Cyber Essentials certified. This indicates that our organisation takes a proactive stance against malicious cyber attacks. In addition, it offers a mechanism to demonstrate to customers, investors, insurers and others that we have taken the minimum yet essential precautions to protect our organisation against cyber threats.
AK Design aim to actively support their clients aims to deliver social value, consider equality, diversity and sustainable sourcing. We aim to provide dedicated resources to manage initiatives and provide data to customers in support of the Social Value. We have an established track record of supporting community wealth and delivery through effective procurement, maximising participation of local SMEs, and an active approach to training, supported employment, community engagement and skill building for local residents.
AK Design are proud to be partnered with Earthly as part of their mission to become climate positive. AKDP contribute to the Mangrove Regeneration in Madagascar run by the Eden Reforestation Project. To date, they have planted over 334 million trees across 8 countries. This has opened up 3.3 million days of work for local communities.